
Showing posts from December, 2008

Under the heading "are you kidding me?"

My favorite part is when the ball skips. null - Watch more free videos

I need your help!

I know this is a crazy week with much on everyone's plate - but I'm going to ask anyway! :-) For a sermon illustration, I'm looking for some family pictures taken this year. Not the kind you put in a pictorial directory but the kind you put in a photo album. Pictures from vacations, birthdays or anniversaries or even Christmas! So long as it has you in it, I'm looking for it. If you've got one or two you'd be willing to send, please send it via email to my email address (you can find it at the church website). THANKS!

Monday Morning reflections

Christmas week is here! If you missed yesterday, you missed one of the best musical services we've had since I've been here. Our choir's special, Jennifer Rhoades song and the music of Hank and Todd Hinkie was awesome! I was only half joking when I suggested letting the music continue instead of preaching! The Christmas choir / cast party last night was great! Thanks to Kern and Barbara for hosting the party and to each of you who brought the wonderful food! It's a quiet Monday here at the office - while some of our normal activities roll on (like sermon prep!) but it's "Holiday" quiet. Most everyone is either on vacation or soon will be. It's my prayer you'll enjoy a wonderful and worshipful Christmas. May the grace of Jesus bless your day and your celebration.

In case of ice, don't follow this example

I heard on the weather forecast they're predicting ice and freezing rain for our area this week. Hmmmmm. I've done enough driving on that sort of surface to know that I shouldn't do any more! :-) I've always harbored the misconception that people who live where it freezes regularly get used to driving on ice and therefore are better prepared than we sun-baked southerners. Such a theory has been blown apart as the video shows. Taken in the Portland, OR area, check out these vehicles in classic examples of what not to do when driving on ice.

From a mean-spirited angry bigot

That's me - your pastor. I'm a mean-spirited angry bigot. Why? Because I believe the Bible speaks for itself and doesn't need to be a "living" document (whatever that means) to be authoritative for our lives. I believe the Bible is clear on the plan and expectations for humanity and provides an avenue for obedience if we choose to accept it. I believe the Bible expresses marriage clearly as one man-one woman for a lifetime. I believe homosexuality is an affront to a Holy God who doesn't "understand" such sin anymore than he "understands" any other sin. The Bible teaches acceptance, grace, mercy and love - qualities we all need - but never backs down from calling evil and injustice out. Furthermore, those who want to read the Bible as all grace, mercy, forgiveness and acceptance have missed much of the Bible's teachings about justice and righteousness. Finally, I believe there are many who will use the Bible for their own ends, ...

A warning to those of you considering ministry

Sent to me by one of my smart-aleck staff members, this lighthearted video is a great example of what I try NOT to be. And no, I don't have a picture of Billy Graham on my bedstead. :-)