Summer Reading
I've always loved to read. When I was little and first learning to read, my parents made two mistakes: (1) Buying me a membership in a book club and (2) giving me a flashlight. When used well together, it made for a some fine late night reading! Strangely enough, when I would fall asleep reading with the flashlight on, I would wake up the next morning with my book and light on the night stand. Not a word was said about it esp in the summer. When the summer would come, I was allowed to expand my reading to things other than school stuff - usually sports related stories or hot-rod magazines. But always - ALWAYS - reading. That hasn't change at all. Each day, I read the Wall St Journal. Like I once did with the sports page or the comics, I now turn to their book review in the editorial section. It has become my "go-to" source for finding new reading material and it has not disappointed yet. It leads me to stuff I would never fin...