Saturday - June 29 2019
It’s Saturday morning – my last one in Africa. . .for now. After talking it over last night, Jeremiah and I both decided today was a good day to. . . . do nothing. We determined this was our best chance to catch our breath before everyone arrives tonight and the insanity begins for next week. Thus, we’re hanging at the school today and doing as little as we can get away with. By Friday night, I’ll be back in my comfortable home with hot water, consistent electricity, stable and strong Wifi, excellent roads (by comparison) and a million other luxuries. Meanwhile, these children will still be here. When I woke up this morning, I was keenly aware of that. And of them. I could hear them singing, laughing and playing together. Even now, I hear them working on clearly the construction debris from a barn they tore down earlier in the week (a job I would NEVER allow children that young to do back home – I’d be terrifi...