Kenya - June 25

We're fresh back from Subukia and the lands north.  It was a long day of driving but well worth the trouble. 

We left our hostel this morning about 8:30 headed for Gilgil and Subukia.  The first two pictures here are of the church in Gilgil.  Pastor Cosmos and me pictured.  They are leading a school there behind the blue wall.  The 160 children there greeted us like we were the Beatles.  Humbling doesn't begin to cover it.  I was overwhelmed at how much they were doing in this town that has so very little going for it.  The children are excited and eager to learn and I'm glad we can share - even just a little - with them in this exciting work.  Please join me in praying for Pastor Cosmos, his family and the work of Visions of Glory Church in Gilgil. 

Next, we went to Subukia.  If I were my dad, I would say we were "out in the sticks."  Go to where th road ends, turn left and keep going!  That's what it felt like.  I didn't see a placard with the name of the church nor did I see much in the way of advertising for it, but its presence is undeniable.  Their work isn't limited to the Gospel.  With the help of our friends at Watch and Pray Ministries (led by our friend Getaneh), they've launched a tilapia / catfish farm, a poultry house with 520 chickens and a kale farm.  The water well they've dug isn't quite deep enough - 145 feet down.  They need another 55 feet to get to the water table.  I presumed they were digging it like we would - with a drill.  Nope.  They've been digging it by hand.  BY HAND!  Someone was 145 feet below the ground to make this well!  Wow.  All for the sake of the Gospel.  The eggs, the kale and the fish will be used to feed the children at the Magnet School in Nairobi, the children's center in Gilgil and what's left will be sold on the open market. 

After a very pleasant walk around the farm and church, Pastor John led us to his home where we shared a wonderful meal of broiled chicken, Jambo bread (that's what I called anyway!), collard greens and milk.  I've never been more honored to share a meal with them in their home.  It clearly was a sacrifice and I wanted to honor them by eating it with joy.  We prayed for them and began our journey home. 

After a weird couple of days, this was a refreshing one.  Tomorrow changes things.  My friends Mike Mayer, Christian Cotton and Tuesday Jacobs will leave for home.  I've enjoyed their company more than I can say and look forward to serving with them again.  Now, we wait for the rest of the FBCM team to arrive this weekend.  If you're a part of that group, please know how excited both Magnet School and His Cherished ones are about having you come.  I spoke with His Cherished Ones today as well and they are FIRED UP!  This will be a truly remarkable season. 


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