Mission Trip 2009 - Day One

Here we are in Galveston! Finally, we're here and working! The weather was unusually cooperative and moderate for late July in south Texas (low 90's) and we even had a short shower to cool it off even further. We split up into two groups - here's a report on each one.
GROUP 1 - Led capably by Duane and Julie, this group took on a home on Avenue L near the eastern end of Galveston. They painted the exterior of the house, the bathroom inside, mopped the floor, cleaned up the yard and generally loved on the lady who owned the house. Some of our ladies bought her some new things for her home (new towels, sheets, a mini-blind) to make her home feel more like home.

GROUP 2 - The BIG one - Ms Belinda's home was under 6 feet of water for several days last year after Hurricane Ike. The house was gutted of all insulation, sheetrock and flooring in the fall. After she filled out the paperwork to have us come and help her, our contact told her it would be a long time till someone came. As the Lord would have it, we were selected to work on her home after only a short wait. A lady in her late 40's, she wept when we arrived to get started. After spending some time getting organized and preparing a strategy, we got after it. We spent the day re-insulating the house, a job that wears down even a strong man who isn't used to doing it! After going to McCoy's Building Supply, we received our shipment of 150 sheets of sheetrock and (gulp!) unloaded them into the house. Thank God we were all together for that part! Tomorrow morning (around 7 AM), we'll get rolling again slapping up the sheetrock. Pray for us as we get serious. Pray for us since NONE of us like to do sheetrocking! Pray for us as we share the love of Christ with Ms Belinda (yes, she is a believer - we asked!). Pray for opportunities to share the love of Christ with wherever Group 1 goes tomorrow. As for us, we're going to bed. See you tomorrow!


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