By now you've probably heard we're going to Galveston this summer. In the last two days, I've spoken with them twice and let me say they're excited about us coming! There's really only one problem - they can't tell us what we'll be doing until about a week in advance.

"WHAT?" the planner in me says. "How can I ask people to sign on for a trip when I don't even know what I'm asking them to do?!" I've had that conversation with myself numerous times recently. I've even had that conversation with some of you who are planners too (you know who you are!). At the end of the day, I've come to this conclusion - as soon as the Hurricane went through Galveston, I felt sure the Lord was leading us go there instead of somewhere else. I'm confident, despite the lack of surety in our work, the Lord WILL use us there.

I can't help but think of Hebrews 11:8 - "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went even thought he did not know where he was going." Now THAT'S Faith! Join us as we step out in faith. Here's our schedule for the week.

Sunday, June 7th - 5 PM - Organizational Mtg after Morning Worship. Meet us in the library as we'll get our heads together.

Sunday, July 5th. - SIGN UP DEADLINE - If you're going, we need to know by then to allow us to plan meals and such. There will be sign-up sheet in the foyer or you can drop me an email.

Sunday, July 19 - 2 PM - Hit the road headed for Galveston. We're staying at University Baptist Church in Galveston. We'll get there with plenty of time to get squared away for the night and get ready for what will be a busy week.

Monday, July 20 - Thursday July 23 - GO TO WORK! There are more than 90 others people from other churches who will be working on projects with us during our stay there. Our partnership with them will be extraordinary! Although we don't know exactly what we'll be doing, we know we'll be working on homes throughout the Galveston metro area. They tell me we may be sent over to Bolivar Point, one of the more hard hit areas.

Friday, July 24 - Decision Day - You can choose to head home, spend another day working, or spend it on the beach or touring in Galveston. Even with the storm, there's no shortage of things to do on the island or on the way home.

Join us on June 7th at 5 PM in the library when we'll discuss this again!


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