Sunday night reflections

So I'm home and it's Sunday night. Generally speaking, it's a good thing to not do any "heavy lifting" kind of stuff on Sunday night. My brain tends to be a little weak after a full day like we always seem to have on Sunday!
Tonight is a little different. Julie is at Super Summer on the campus of East Texas Baptist University. She's working at the camp this week, so I'm rolling with Dodger this week. It's a bummer, but it's just as well. The only night I have this week without something on it is Saturday. So I'm glad Julie's there. I'll deliver our students there tomorrow with Steve Edwards. Julie and I met at Super Summer 1993, so it's almost like we've come full-circle for her to go back.
- Welcome to Lauren LaFleur and Ellen Maxwell, CBC's newest members! We're thrilled you've joined us in this crazy journey!
- An awesome day of preparation for VBS. It's a good thing - we start VBS tomorrow morning! I'm pumped! Major props to Jamie McDonald and her awesome crew of volunteers. Our whole building looks like a wild west movie scene! Thanks for the hard work and vision for making this thing click!
- We're off and running with the new series "Life in HD - A walk through Philippians." Today's message was especially fun for me to prepare! I love digging deep into the word of God and finding nuggets to feed myself and then sharing them with you!
- Next week's talk - "A Life of Conviction!" - some things are more important than others! Living life in a manner worthy of walking with Christ changes more than what we do / don't do - It changes our lives!
- If you didn't pickup a copy of our Germany prayer calendar, you can find one in any of our foyers. Get this - 40 days from Thursday, we'll leave. . . to come HOME! It's less than 30 days till we leave! The trip is closer than you think! Pray for us as we prepare. Pray for receptive hearts. Pray for us to passionately (!) present the Gospel in a way that exalts Christ and draws people to Him.
- I love my job! I'm so in love with the Lord and our church that this hardly feels like work!


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