
Forgive the slow nature of my report on this - it was a wild ride the last couple of days.

Friday morning, we got up and left to make the 3 hour drive back to Nairobi.  At home, the trip might be about 2 hours (about the same distance as to Abilene) but the roads and traffic in Kenya make it longer.  The best part was the company in the truck with me.  Trena and Jim Mroczko are some serious rock stars!  I tried to think of someone I would drive 3 hours to pick up, drive them 3 hours back home and then repeat that less than 48 hours later - I could name only a couple.  I'm deeply grateful for their kindness and their hospitality.  Their work at His Cherished Ones Children's Home is amazing.  There's a solid reason we at FBC partner with them.  I can promise you they are doing some incredible work.  In Keyna, sadly, it's not uncommon for babies to be abandoned.  It's happened at least 89 times in the last 10 years since they were formed.  With a staff of 20, His Cherished Ones serves these children until they are adopted or placed in other care.  I was privileged to be there for the adoption of Moses.  What a special day it was!  I'm grateful for the chance to see their ministry up close.  We've partnered with them in many ways and I'm glad we do. 

We got to visit some other of FBC's own.  Bobbie and Robert Grimes.  They left us last summer to serve at Rift Valley Academy, a missionary children's boarding school halfway between Nakuru (where His Cherished Ones is) and Nairobi.  They met me for lunch in Nairobi.  Robert has lost 40 lbs since they came last summer - wow!  I'm so glad to report they are going well and they are encouraged by their work.  Their work is ongoing serving in a variety of capacities within the school but they aren't limiting their work to there.  They are also serving with a ministry reaching the Ma'sai tribe.  What an amazing opportunity and vision they have for their work!  Thanks for making time for me guys!

Finally, we stopped to see a new partner.  In the fall of last year, we began partnering with a ministry on the outskirts of Nairobi.  Magnet High School (and primary school) is in Ongata Rongi suburb (you can google map it and it will come up).  Like Rift Valley Academy, it is a boarding school.  This school, however, isn't for missionary kids.  Its for kids who need a home and a school.  Bishop Jeremiah Kibobi is the founder and director.  When Bishop came to Midland last fall, I had the chance to meet to him and hear of his work.  I can say with confidence how he is changing lives.  The 320 students who live and learn at his schools might not have the opportunity to learn at all if he didn't exist.  His enthusiastic and charismatic personality help me see why God has used him and blessed him throughout his journey.  We are exploring partnerships with Jeremiah on future projects. 

So with sadness, I left Africa for Beirut.  I arrived in the middle of the night - 2 AM to be specific - so the line for immigration was an easy one.  When I found my ride, traffic was almost non-existent.  After a short sleep, we got busy.  Our host had established Saturday as a culture appropriation day where we would learn about Lebanon.  An ancient country once called Phoenicia, they are as proud of their history as we Texans are of ours.  It was a wonderful day to see some sites and learn about where we were. 

Sunday morning, we went to Badaro Baptist Church.  I had been graciously invited to share the Word of God with them and I did my best to do exactly that.  They were so kind and welcoming.  The warmth of their fellowship made me miss home and my FBC family so much.  I prayed for you as I prayed for them in my morning prayer from the pulpit.  What a wonderful opportunity to share the love of Christ. 

Sunday night was a special recognition ceremony for the SKILD center.  Students with learning disabilities.  As one who had exactly that when I was a child, it was a wonderful opportunity to hear of their work and celebrate it! 

So now it's early Monday morning here and we're preparing to leave for a very full day.  I'm eager to do so, but I'm ready to say it's almost time to come home.  It's been a long while that I've been gone.  I miss my wife, my son and my church family.  Pray that I can finish strong. 


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