A family under Christ

It's Easter Sunday night.  My family is all in bed and I'm still sort of detoxing from a full and wonderful day.  Easter is always a high point for my year, as it should be for a pastor.  The challenge is coming down the other side.  We spent weeks preparing for Easter Sunday, planning just the right talk and music and praying for God's powerful presence for the service.  The temptation - if we're not careful - is to get past Easter and coast for a while.  Even when I'm here typing this, there's a temptation to say "Well, that's over!"  But Easter doesn't end even when the 24 hours we assign to it do.  Our lives in Christ are linked together as a family who serves, honors and glorifies Christ the other 364 days of the year as well. 

I thought a lot about this on Palm Sunday when we were serving the Lord's Supper.  When the deacon chairman and I hand our deacons the plates and trays, I get to sit down for a moment, facing you, my church family.  I don't often have that opportunity.  Too many times, it's a transactional thing.  I have prepared all week (and longer!) to bring you a word from the Lord.  You've come expecting me to do that.  We each have our role.  But on Lord's Supper days, the beauty is that we can simply be a family, joined around the Lord's table.  I sit and look out at your faces and think about how we've walked together through life these last few years.  What an incredible thing it is that God makes us a family.  Linking our hearts and minds through our shared experience is incredible!  It's quite humbling for me to see you, my church family, and remember our shared journey.

I guess the real point of this post is to say thanks for being a people I love to serve.  The opportunity God has given us to walk this path together is a rare and beautiful thing.  May God grant us a future shared together with his blessing until he calls us home through death or comes to get us!


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