What to do?
A church in Florida has created quite a stir recently. It seems one of their church members won a $6 million dollar lottery. Being a good church member (other than playing the lottery of course), he wanted to tithe on his winnings - a tidy $600,000.00. The church declined. (Here's a link the whole story). What do you think? Should the church take the money and use it for benevolent purposes? Or do you agree the church should refuse it? Lemme hear you on this one. I'll tip my hand later.
Questions such as these are the reason I go to Church on Sunday. DARIN is supposed to advise me on these issues. I have no further questions.
I also wonder if the church questions the origin of all its receipts? And who there defines "good" and "bad" money? Where is that line?
Would the church have accepted a tithe from the Enron execs who committed fraud? Would they return it when they found out it was cash acquired through fraudulent means?