Monday Reflections

I made it through the rain home last night and back again this morning. Although we needed the rain desperately, I'm glad to see the sun peaking through today! Or at least I was this morning before our internet service went down! I'm glad to see it back!

- I tend to think of the first Sunday after Labor Day as the first Sunday of the church year. What a great start we had!

- A great thanks to Steve Edwards for his exceptional work in putting on our "Fireproof" movie night last weekend. A great night of pizza and a powerful movie! If you haven't seen it, let us know. We'll get you a copy to view!

- Thanks to our LLL (Live Longer and Like it!) Ministry last night. We had a wonderful fellowship after worship last night - even if we did run out of food! Now that's the kind of problem I like to have! It means people are there and they are happy (all those who got food are anyway! :-) ).

- I'm always on the lookout for ministry oppotunities and stuff that God's using in powerful ways. Here's a conference every college student should consider attending. I can assure you - it's powerful, it's relevant and it's worth your time! Take a look at their promo video (2:40 minutes).

- A shout-out to all my Facebook friends out there! You know who you are! If you're on FB and you haven't found us yet, search for either me or "Central Baptist Church Jacksonville" group.

- A shout-out to all my Twitter followers. If you'd like to follow me there, find me at

One question I've been asked is why I bother with these social networking things. The answer is simple: it's where the people are! Jesus went to the places where people were and sought them out. By doing social networking (among other things), we're doing the same! Maybe that's not how they envisioned their product being used, but who cares? Let's use it for the Kingdom just the same!


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