Monday Morning Reflections

We begin, as I always like to, with a hearty welcome to our newest members! Welcome Lex Ticer, Jack and Melinda Lewis and the Ansley family! We're thrilled the Lord has brought each of you to be a part of our fellowship! We're going to welcome you to Central by saying what we always say: "Welcome HOME!"

- Our first of two Deacon messages - "Deacons and why they deac!" - was a blessing for me as I got ready for yesterday. You won't want to miss this Sunday. We've got a skit to emphasize how a deacon is supposed to look and act (assuming we can get all of our actors well!).

- Sunday School is a GREAT way to get to know people at Central! If you're new to us or are planning to visit, plan to come to to Sunday School. Remember - the church is the church only when there are people inside her walls! The people ARE the Church!

- It's true we were down yesterday with the heavy rain we had. But it's amazing to me what people will get out in the rain for if they choose to! We need PASSIONATE PEOPLE excited about following a PASSIONATE GOD! Anything less is not worthy of our Savior!

- Please continue to pray for the Traylor family. We laid Judy to rest yesterday in the rain. Bro. Hank and Bro. Randy did a fine job officiating the service. Pray for husband Paul, sons, Steven and Kelly, daughter Misty and Judy's grandkids. No matter how long you have to prepare for someone's departure, you're never really ready. We can be grateful she is at home with Lord today. A special word of thanks to the Adult 1 class who provided the meal for the Traylor's last night.

- Our prayers have been requested for Mary Bishop of Jacksonville. She's due to have cancer surgery today. She's already had a couple of rounds of chemo and is still fighting! Pray for her healing.


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