Monday reflections

My bad - I know it's been two weeks since I've been here. Let's just say the Lord has blessed my life with many opportunities for serving Him!
- Welcome John and Kelly Sandoval, our newest CBC members! We're thrilled the Lord has brought you here! We'll get you into a small group and connect you with the right people to make sure CBC really is home for you like it has become for us!
- I did Jacksonville College chapel this morning. It was rainy. It was early. It was miserable! Except inside! :-) Thanks to Tam Clark, dean at JC, and Sheryl Hanna, asst. choral director at JC, and the wonderful student body, it was a great way to begin the week.
- A sad "see you later" is in store for us this week. Tim Zednick, our technical director at CBC, is leaving us this week. Sunday is his last day with us. We'll honor him appropriately Sunday. Please pray for him as he begins this transition. He'll be moving to First Baptist Church in Lewisville to serve with Kelvin Reed, former CBC music pastor.
- HarvestFest is this Saturday! From 1-4 pm on Saturday, our FLC and parking lots will be full of fun stuff! Make plans to be a part of it.
- This Sunday evening, Dr. Harold Rawlings will join us again, sharing with us about the history of the English Bible. He's bringing with him a personal collection of English Bibles - trust me that you won't want to miss it!
- A special thanks to Kim and Kenny Dyess, some of our second newest CBC members. They joined us last week. They hosted a party Saturday night for the Adult 1 Class - it was awesome! I'm still not sure what was in that chili, but I liked it!
- A shout-out to our Jax High School Indian football team. I've been to a lot of high school games in my time, but that one Friday was one of the BEST! 56-55 win in overtime! Kudos to Coach Wells for pulling the trigger on going for two to win. I was up till 1 AM trying to slow the adrenaline rush!
- CBC family, I sure hope you like having Julie and I serve here. Why? Cause if we EVER get this house in Frankston sold, it'll be a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time till we sell one again! I HATE negotiating the sale of a house! It's a little like Sumo Wrestling - the only difference is you're clothed!


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