Random stuff

- If you've ever been curious about how the Bible was made and what it means when people talk about "manuscripts", today is your day! The good people in Muenster, Germany who oversee the collection and distribution of the Greek New Testament manuscripts have been kind enough to place much of it online in high-quality digital images for your perusal. Click here to go see it! While the site is in German, it's not hard to figure out where to go. WARNING: It doesn't work with Internet Explorer. They're Apple / Mac people. They optimized it for Firefox or Safari. Even still, it's well worth your time and effort to go see it!
- This weekend we'll be holding a garage sale to raise funds for our mission trip to Germany next summer. Find us at Linda Acker's house. Call the church office for specific directions. Our hope is to defray enough costs to where we can take a group of 25. Never been on a mission trip? You're in luck! We're doing a LOT of training in preparation for the trip. Can't afford it? We've got fundraisers planned to help cut the costs down. We don't have a final price set yet, but we do know when we're going and where. We're going to Hannover, Germany in late July. I know many people have to turn in vacation requests and such before the end of the year. Steve Edwards, Jim Lord, Julie and I will be making an exploratory trip in February so look forward to hearing more specifics as we get closer.
- I'm headed to the HOPE Center today for the first time. I've heard so many fine things about the HOPE Center - I'm pumped about going! I'll give you an update later!
- On the way over this morning, I happened to hear the new Steven Curtis Chapman song "Yours". It's not often that I'm struck speechless by a song on the radio, but this time I was. It is as powerful and visceral a song as I've heard in a long time. I've followed his music since I was in college (and that's a long time ago! :-) ) and have been blessed by doing so. Go to iTunes and download it - it's the best $0.99 you'll spend today!


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