
- Welcome Ticer family! They are our newest CBC members and we're thrilled to have them!
- When you see Stefanie Robison, hug her warmly! The water we used to baptize her was frigid! If she hadn't had so many family members present, I would've pulled the plug and done her another time. Thanks for being such a trooper Stefanie - you won't soon forget it!
- Thanks to Sheryl Hanna, Steve Edwards and all of our choir and musicians for their exceptional work in the Hanging of the Green service Sunday night! It was awesome!
- A special word of thanks to Doug Ilsley, our tech guy. He had a big job on Sunday, both morning and evening, and pulled both off well! Even with the trouble in Brandon finding a working microphone, Doug works at his task seriously and with great effort. Pray for him and the others on our tech team.
- This Sunday is our Christmas program entitled "A Splash of Christmas!" Trust me - I've heard parts of it - you will not want to miss this!
- I read with great interest over the last several days about how an local option alcohol election is being planned for us in Jacksonville. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. I've got some thoughts on the issue and, later in the week, I'll address that issue right here - check back with me.
- MISSIONS - I love MISSIONS! We're more than halfway to our goal of $110,000 for our mission offering this year. Thanks for your generosity and faithfulness in supporting missions across the world and across the street. Steve Edwards and I met for nearly two hours yesterday discussing missions in 2010 (and beyond!). We'll be talking about more in the coming weeks as we get our plans finalized.
- I've got no good reason to feel this way, but I've always sort of felt like I'm really a part of a church once I've celebrated Christmas with them. Thanks to each of you who have made our first Christmas at Central so wonderful! We've been to a couple of parties thus far and have several more coming - and we're thrilled about that! Thanks for your kindness, warmth, love and friendship this Christmas season as we welcome Christ.
- How's your fast doing? I've chosen three things to fast from and let me tell you - it's been harder than I thought! Thanks to those who are encouraging each other to continue on! It's only two more weeks till Christmas!
- Ruby Staton is retiring next week. She's been our financial secretary for more than 20 years and has decided the Lord is leading her to spend some time with her husband, Gene (aka Mean Gene! :-) ) . Pray for her transition. Pray for the CBC office as we seek a new secretary. We'll be moving some of our existing staff around so pray for that as well. We'll honor Ruby's service to our church after evening worship on Dec 20th.
- Ray Vardaman is also leaving his position as a our interim music leader. We'll honor Ray following our morning service on Dec 20th.
- I'm beginning to think I'm no fun to work with! Do have BO? Or halatosis? Or, more likely, the Lord is simply guiding people where He would choose for them to serve Him best and it has nothing to do with me. Pray for these transitions, wont' you?
- This Sunday, we'll be talking about Luke 2:8-20 - the Shepherds and their role in the Christmas story. They are among the least like heroes of the story and yet God chooses them (THEM!) to be the first who hear the good news. Pray for Sunday's message and worship time.


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