Sunday Afternoon Reflections

- Welcome to Michael and Beverly Mock!  I accidentally said "Mack" this morning but they graciously forgave my inability to read!  Either way, we're pleased to have you!
- This morning's message was as "out of the box" for me as I think I've ever tried.  It wasn't that I was tackling an edgy subject or approaching it in a ticklish manner.  The "out of the box"-ness was how I longed to communicate the passion of Jesus by walking along side him for the week.
The message was started with the stations of the Cross (for non-catholics, learn more about that here) and a desire to highlight the darkness of Passion week before the brilliance of Easter morning.  I told our staff, our tech guys and anyone else who asked I believe we do ourselves (and the Gospels!) a disservice by rushing past Jesus' passion in our hurry to get to the good news of Easter.  The Gospels each take deliberate time and intensity in describing that last week of Jesus' earthly life.  We would do well to do the same.
- One of my favorite parts of being a pastor is getting to see things others might not see.  Like standing behind the Lord's Supper table as the elements are passed.  When I look out, I get to see my CBC family sitting reverently.  Like a family reunion gathered around the supper table, it's a wonderful reminder of our shared connection through Christ.
- Thanks to Joanna Jordan, Tom Myers and all our volunteers who made our egg hunt happen today!  The weather held off and there were LOTS of happy kids!
- A special word of thanks to all who wished our Joshua a happy birthday.  He has enjoyed an amazing weekend and is blessed far more than any of us could imagine.
- Next Sunday is my favorite one of the year!  We'll be talking about Paul's story and how everything "Changed in a flash."  Like Paul, once we encounter the Living Christ, things can never again be the same.
- Next Sunday morning has two services - one at 8:00 AM and the other at 10:45.  Our 10:45 service will be akin to our regular morning services.  Our 8 AM service, however, will feature a different style of music and styling.  If you've ever wondered what the difference between the two is like, come next Sunday AM and spend the morning with us.  I think you'll see the heart behind both.
- God is up to something special among us.  If you haven't seen it, you're not looking!  Pray with me that it continues and that we stay faithful to the God who called us, redeemed us, purified us and will glorify us!


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