To my new FBC Family

Grace and Peace to my new FBC family!  I'm humbled to be your new pastor and I eagerly look forward to transitioning to in your fine church!  You have big shoes to fill - serving at Central has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.  They've loved us and walked with us through some wonderful, difficult and just plain weird times.  We'll never outrun the mark they left on our lives. Thanks for allowing us this time to leave well.

That said, we're humbled by your overwhelming vote to call us.  (The picture attached here is one Jim Cawthon took last week on Sunday night.)  Wow!  We were so blessed by your kindness and grace when we were there last week.  We have been so blessed by the kind notes of welcome and encouragement we've received this week.  Thanks for all of your hospitality and thanks in advance for the wonderful journey we will share.
Via email, I talked with your former pastor Dr. Jim Denison this week.  He told me "FBC is an exceptionally gracious and loving church - they'll make you feel right at home."  Based on last weekend, I'd have to agree.  When we were leaving last Sunday, our son Joshua asked "do we HAVE to go back to Jacksonville? I like it here!"  Indeed.  I was able to convince him we needed to go back if only to get our dog!  Thanks for making us feel so loved and welcomed already.  You welcomed us in a way that none of us expected but that shouldn't be surprising.  Clearly, it's who you are.

Please know that we've been praying for the FBC family fervently for some time now.  For the last several weeks, we've prayed specifically for you by name with a church directory provided by your search committee.  I look forward to sharing fellowship, worship and life together for years to come.

So what should you expect from me?
(1) Expect me to be passionate about preaching, loving people and sharing Jesus with people!
(2) Expect me to lead with as much enthusiasm and passion as possible!
(3) Expect me to be active in the Midland community as well as FBC.  That's been my habit and I expect it will continue.  Shepherds go where people are.
(4) Expect me to make LOTS of mistakes.  My view of leadership says if I'm not making mistakes, I'm probably not trying very hard.
(5) Expect me to do my best to learn names, faces and family connections.  Help me by cueing me frequently!
(6) Expect me to make my own family a priority.  The title I love best is "husband" and "daddy".  I'll tell you now I won't always be available.  The best gift I can give FBC is theist version of myself.  I do that best by making room and time for my family.

What can you do for me and my family?
(1) You can pray for my mother's healing.  Her treatments are going well and she's back at work, but we're praying for her healing just the same.
(2) You can pray for the sale of our home. The housing market here in Jacksonville isn't quite like the one in Midland.  Pray for the right buyer and the right timing.
(3) You can pray for our transition to Midland.  We'll be moving the week of January 25th.  For a season, we'll stay at the house next door to the Sunshine House.  It's a fine place!  Don't be surprised if you see us bumping around town that week.  
(4) You can pray for our beloved Central Baptist Church family as they begin their search for God's man to lead.
(5) You can pray for the right house for us at the right time to buy in Midland.  We've looked a little and have looked online some, but that's not the same.  We'll begin a true search in earnest soon.


Unknown said…
We are praying for you! And so glad to have you at FBC! How sweet that Joshua liked it here & didn't want to leave. God is on the move!
-Brittany & Jonathan
Silas said…
Great blog. Congratulations on the new journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your mom.
Love your leadership perspective outlined in this letter.
You are loved.
devoutagnostic said…
Darin, my dad was the pastor of FBC Midland from 1954 to 1975. Our first Sunday there was the dedication of the new building. I was 11 when we moved from East Texas. I can only hope that your ministry and experience will be as rewarding as it was for our family. I took a Midland city limit sign with me to Baylor and still carry wonderful memories of that place of sand and tumbleweeds.

Les Morriss

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