Sunday Reflections

On this cold and wet Monday morning, I'm reflecting on our busy day yesterday and saying "Praise the Lord for it!" But first, a prayer request that needs your utmost attention.

- Yesterday afternoon, Duane NeSmith's mother was involved in an accident. While she is physically fine, the other lady was tragically killed. I've given Duane as much time as he needs to take care of his family so most likely he won't be here this week. Please take some time right now to pray for Duane, his family and the family of the lady killed in this tragic accident.
Many times, I've asked the Lord why he doesn't stop things like this from happening. I have yet to get an answer to that question - if you get one, call me immediately - but my trust and faith in the wisdom and power of the Living God is such that answers aren't always necessary. In fact, many times, answers are actually counterproductive, leading me away from faith and toward trusting my own intellect. While I'm grieved this tragedy has occurred, let's pray for the Lord's wisdom and strength to be upon all those who involved. Now - back to Sunday!

- Welcome Chaffin family! Lawrence, Paula and Olevia Chaffin joined us yesterday morning. I hope you got a chance to meet them. If not, you'll be blessed by their kind spirits and gentle words. What a wonderful addition to our fellowship!

- This coming Sunday, we're introducing our theme for the next 15 months - Texas Hope! Our goal is share the Gospel with every person in the Frankston area. Sound ambitious? Then it's God-sized! The only way it works is for the Lord to guide our hands!

- We're working on a couple of special Sundays this spring. Pray for us as we put all this together! Here's to an amazing 2009!


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