It occurs to me. . .

In my reading today, I found a list of things to do to simulate living in a third-world country, far less prosperous than our own. Sometimes, I need a reminder of just how fortunate I truly am to be in a country with such privilege and wealth. I thought I'd share the list with you - if you're an FBC member, don't read it too carefully - I may use it on a Sunday morning!
Identifying With the Poor: 9 Steps to Third World Living

First, take out the furniture: leave a few old blankets, a kitchen table, maybe a wooden chair. You've never had a bed, remember?

Second, throw out your clothes. Each person in the family may keep the oldest suit or dress, a shirt or blouse. The head of the family has the only pair of shoes.

Third, all kitchen appliances have vanished. Keep a box of matches, a small bag of flour, some sugar and salt, a handful of onions, a dish of dried beans. Rescue the moldy potatoes from the garbage can: those are tonight's meal.

Fourth, dismantle the bathroom, shut off the running water, take out the wiring and the lights and everything that runs by electricity.

Fifth, take away the house and move the family into the tool shed.

Sixth, no more postman, fireman, government services. The two-classroom school is three miles away, but only two of your seven children attend anyway, and they walk.

Seventh, throw out your bankbooks, stock certificates, pension plans, insurance policies. You now have a cash hoard of $5.

Eighth, get out and start cultivating your three acres. Try hard to raise $300 in cash crops because your landlord wants one third and your moneylender 10 percent.

Ninth, find some way for your children to bring in a little extra money so you have something to eat most days. But it won't be enough to keep bodies healthy--so lop off 25 to 30 years of life.


Anonymous said…
Is that from the book "rich Christians in an age of hunger"? I am reading it for my ethics class at Ouachita Baptist in Arkansas. I am from Bullard Texas, right down the road from you guys. God lead me to Ouachita through a strange occurance of events over the last three years. I am a part time youth pastor in Hot Springs, Ar. I spent some time with some of your kids and youth workers at Super Summer. So its good to see God at work in your church. Keep after the cross-generation emphasis. It is vastly important in an individualistic western society as ours is.

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