A tough way to lose weight

For those who weren't aware of it, I was as sick as a hound on Sunday! I caught something while I was in New Orleans and, mercifully, it didn't hit until we got home. When we arrived home around 9 PM, here it came and there it went! Working out of "both ends," I was not well. Somehow, through the grace of God, I got enough strength to do Sunday morning but even then I knew I wouldn't be well enough for Sunday night. We had some wonderful friends in town on Sunday - friends I'd longed to see and have missed them so badly - so I toughed it out for a couple of hours of spiritual and mental therapy with them. After they left, then I fell apart. Slept for four hours. Woke up just long enough to eat some crackers and go back to bed. Slept for 13 more hours. Laid around yesterday with my Blackberry off and my wife answering the phone (how fortunate you are if you actually got me yesterday!). I'm back at work today, weak and short a few pounds from Sunday, but back on my feet.


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