One not-so-little word

I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. When I'm wrong, I'll admit. I'll admit it publically Sunday. I had no idea how strongly my "freaking" word would be received. Where I'm from, that's just another term. When I uttered Sunday, I was greeted immediately afterwards that here it's a substitute for another "f" word. Let me assure you that was NOT how I used it! I've used it previously in other places and never had it received that way. Let me also assure you I'll drop that term altogether. Please accept my apologies for using a term that clearly was offensive.


Anonymous said…
Okay, I just had to look this up and see how badly you messed up! I have to admit, my kids have used this word for many years and while I never have liked it, I didn't think it meant the other "f" word. I'm sure whoever chastised you will find room in their heart to forgive you. If not, then they have a real problem! I think you stand tall (ooooo!) for addressing the congregation this morning and telling us you were wrong. You're still my favorite pastor! (Oh that's right, you're my ONLY pastor!)
Luv ya, Ruth Price
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Darin -- I should have mentioned it when I heard you use it at MBC. Mea culpa -- I think I may have drawn in a breath in shock. But love covers a multitude of sins, so it was forgotten soon as you said it. I realize the Christian thing to do would have been to at least mention how it sounded to the "older" ones, such as myself.
In His love,

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