Applications being received for MISSION FRANKSTON

In Matthew 25: 40, Jesus said "Whatever you do the least of my brothers, you're doing it unto me." With serving Christ by serving people in mind, we're taking applications for MISSION FRANKSTON, a week-long opportunity to do missions work right here at home! We've been on mission trips to Mexico, southeast Texas, the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and Corsicana - all that in just the last few years. Now, we're looking for projects, large or small, right here at home. If you know of someone who needs help with general maintenance on their home, needs a wheelchair ramp, needs their leaves raked, needs attention given to whatever projects they might have, recommend them to us and we'll check it out! We're planning to begin on Saturday, November 17th and work throughout the week of Thanksgiving as people have time.

Would you like to volunteer? We need those too! Please send our church office an email (take the spaces out of the following to send an email fbc @ and we'll send you the details as they come available.


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